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YAPS... Bad Drivers #1 

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Guy that leaves thirty four car lengths between him and the car in front of him in heavy traffic

There are too many versions of shitty drivers to capture it all at once, so look for future installments of YAPS... Bad Drivers. This guy makes my blood boil. I often think about how funny/sad it would be to put one of those hidden cameras in my car. For the record that was a dude driving that Eclipse in front of me coasting along in rush hour traffic at a swift 13mph.

Road rage can be silly but it can also be warranted especially when this fucking douchebag lets everyone and their brother cut in front of him. Meanwhile I am sitting behind him, in the left lane,  screaming at my windshield and making more hand gestures than occur at an Italian wedding, just trying to figure out how to get around him.

Since I am a sane person when I am on the road I am trying to get somewhere. Apparently not this fucking asshole. The only care in the world this guy has is who he is texting at the time. No need to think about the several hundred perhaps thousands of people he is affecting with his negligent driving. I mean you wouldn’t walk into a sub shop, wait in line to place your order, and then let every single person that walks in the front door cut in front of you would you? No because that wouldn’t be fair to the people behind you in line and because you are hungry and want to eat. So why the hell are you giving a nineteen mile cushion to the car in front of you while you are doing 4mph?

I am not saying you have to ride the ass of the car in front of you, but in heavy traffic you should be close enough that if someone wants to cut in front of you they should have to question it or throw their directional on and hope you let them in. And if you let them in after they have asked that is perfectly fine. I have a problem with the people too focused on themselves and whatever they happen to be doing in their car and not caring about all the people behind them being bumped back in line.

If you are one of these people please do me a favor, either get the hell off the phone, get the hell out of the left lane, or drive off a cliff and save us all some valuable time/aggravation.  

PS. Anyone that thinks I got this idea from Stone Cold’s PSA on The Adam Carolla Show, you are wrong. I’ve had this done since the beginning of June just could never find or take a good enough picture. Even the one I settled on kind of sucks. Point is I didn’t steal the idea, great minds think alike I guess.


Saturday, June 29, 2013

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