This Week In Media 8/13/13
This week there are four major motion pictures being released but don’t get too worked up nothing too exciting. The thing to be excited for is Breaking Bad of course. This past Sunday kicked off the final eight episodes of one of the greatest TV dramas of all time, and my personal favorite, and last night did not disappoint.
In Theaters
Kick Ass 2
I saw the first one when it come onto Netflix and for whatever reason I remember enjoying it. But it certainly doesn’t look good, and I haven’t rewatched it at all. I like Jim Carrey though so I’m sure I will give it a chance but not until it comes at no extra cost.
Gary Oldman and Harrison Ford with a buzz cut. This looks like a fun movie to see.
Lee Daniels’ The Butler
How badly do you want to see another white guilt movie? Bad enough to deal with Oprah and Lenny Kravitz for 2+ hours? I love me some Forest Whitaker and John Cusack but there is no way I’m going to sit through those two with the payoff being more white guilt.
I can’t be the only one thinking that there is going to be another Steve Jobs biopic within the next few years while everyone forgets this one existed right?
Since I’ve Last Written:
Only one thing worth talking about... Breaking Bad. If you haven’t watched it yet get caught up before you continue reading. The opening scene was fascinating. The closing scene was sort of shocking given how quick it happened. Breaking Bad has been a long drawn out story that hasn’t always moved too quickly. If they had dragged out the big confrontation for another four or five episodes I don’t think anyone would have complained. But bam there it was episode one. Now all I can think about is episode two and beyond and what the hell kind of a ride we are about to be taken on.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
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