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Remember... Life before ads everywhere 

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Remember back before the pool became a tool to exercise/relax? Back when you would spend all day outside in the pool coming up with new ways to entertain yourselves. Here are the top 5 games I can remember playing as a kid.

5. Misc

By misc I mean the other stuff you did in the pool, ie: make a whirl/wave pool. Or played knocked each other off the raft.

4. Marco Polo

Obviously, a classic. Close your eyes and listen to your surroundings.

3. Pool Hoops/Volleyball

There are two forms of pool hoops, one is you and a few buddies passing around the rock trying to knock down trick shots. The other is far more intense than it should be. Volleyball on the other hand can create some arguments but far fewer bloody noses despite what the television likes to tell you.

2. Diving contest

I don’t know about you but whenever I ended up in a diving contest of some sort it always turned into a game of pig or horse. Whether your attempting to create a big splash with a cannonball or a little splash with a regular dive it got competitive. There were also the diving contests where you had people throwing you footballs or the basketball in the air in hopes of dunking it on the other side of the pool.

1. Shark

My personal favorite. It is similar to Marco Polo in that one person can’t open their eyes until they tag someone. But they can open them under the water. Above water there is no annoying “Marco ... Polo” aspect to it just listening for splashes before diving back under the water to get a glimpse of your surroundings. It sort of sounds stupid and horrible for your eyes now that I actually think back on it but as a kid I always enjoyed this one the most.


Monday, July 29, 2013

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