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UFR... Survivor: Fans vs Favorites 2 

So despite the fact that I drafted the one of the worst fantasy teams in fantasy Survivor history, it was probably the best all around season of Survivor Ever. Yes, even better than when the opposing tribe handed Boston Rob immunity for him to spare them.

However, despite drafting a bunch of shmucks and players that left the game because they got hurt, I managed to draft the winner of a clean sweep; Cochran. He never even had a vote cast against him this season. Cochran said in the last regular tribal council that he voted out the only player that he thought could beat him; Eddie. Although Eddie had my favorite thing to do with the prize money: Open a Dog play kennel that has a bar attached to it. He wasn’t good enough to make the final tribal, but if he got there he would have won.

As mlz would argue, Dawn played the best game. She eliminated threats, and made big moves. The only problem is that she lost the social game. Cochran basically did the same thing as Dawn (he voted the same way she did the entire game except for when they purposely split votes), only his social game was much better. He didn’t have to stab people in the back because he wasn’t fake to people. Dawn became fake with people like Brenda. When it was the tribe’s decision to take Brenda out, she saw it as Dawn’s stabbing in the back, not Cochran. Cochran was a clean sweep at the finale as Dawn got just as many votes as Sherri, who was this year’s “take her to the end she’s useless member.”

It was the best season of survivor ever. And if you missed the reunion, you missed 85 year old Rudy from Survivor 1.


TV Gold. 


Saturday, May 18, 2013 

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