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This Week In Media 7/16/13 

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This week is loaded. There are seven new movies worth mentioning, and a few music beats to hit as well as a couple video games.

New This Week:

In Theatres


Turbo - Opens 7/17

I am excited for this movie. While I don’t have nearly as much faith in Dreamworks as I do in Pixar I saw the trailer in the theatre and immediately got giddy.


The Conjuring

Yawn. There is no horror movie worth spending money to see in theatres now. They are all the same. Filled with false suspense and just trying to make you jump, not scare you. They all just end up with people laughing at them.



Speaking of being laughed at. I love Jeff Bridges and I enjoy Ryan Reynolds but this is basically just Men In Black right? We didn’t want an MIB3 nevermind this. Don’t waste your money on it now, see it when it’s on demand or on Netflix or something.

Red 2

Yes it just got worse. At least I plan on seeing R.I.P.D. there is no need to ever watch this, I don’t care how much you like Bruce Willis.



Pearl Jam - Mind Your Manners

Sorry the album isn’t out yet but the new single is.

Video Games

Turbo: Super Stunt Squad

This looks like a cool version of the Tony Hawk series but with snails. It actually looks pretty fun and might be one of the better movie video games, not that that’s saying very much.

Dynasty Warriors 8

I believe my feelings about Dynasty Warriors are documented somewhere on this site. While I am a fan of the series there is absolutely no need to spend $60 for a brand new one. All the games are the same. If you like what you see go buy last year’s or something even cheaper.


Tuesday, July 16, 2013 

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