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This Week In Media 12/3/13 

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This week is a bit light but it may end up being remembered as a loaded week. There’s a big time movie, a big time video game, a great country album and believe it or not Britney Spears is still alive… and may be trying to rip off Michael Jackson.

New This Week

In Theatres


Out of the Furnace

What a cast this movie has. It opening with a 67% rating on Rotten Tomatoes may not have you running to the theatre to see this but it’s a must watch when it’s on demand or free somewhere else. This movie is about a man who mysteriously disappears and when the cops drop the ball, his brother goes out looking for answers. Certainly we have seen movies with similar premises but none with a cast of Christian Bale, Woody Harrelson, Casey Affleck, Willem Dafoe, Forest Whitaker, Sam Shepard, among others and we certainly haven’t seen one created by Scott Cooper who made Crazy Heart in his first real big time film. This should be a great movie and if it isn’t it will certainly be a fun one.



Britney Spears - Britney Jean

What is this? Were people lining up demanding another Britney Spears album? Well, here is a little insight… Britney dubbed this album as the most personal in her catalog and then released the first single… “Work Bitch”.

Jake Owen - Days of Gold

While I don’t want to overhype Jake Owen, I do like his music. He may not be the greatest country artist but he has some great tunes like “Barefoot Blue Jean Night” amongst others. If you are into music that involves instruments being played and lyrics that tell a story and make a little bit of sense, this may be for you.

Video Games

Gran Turismo 6

Here’s a weird thing about this game… they aren’t releasing it on PS4. Ya, why release one of your biggest games on your big hit new console? Regardless, I’m not about to buy a PS4 just yet so this is much better than it only releasing on PS4. This franchise is arguably the best in racing and this should not disappoint. Also there is a silver lining for everyone that has already made the PS4 plunge… word is Gran Turismo 7 may be coming in 2014.

Since I’ve Last Written

Sarah Silverman - We Are Miracles

I actually just watched this yesterday and really enjoyed it. Sarah is incredibly funny and not afraid to tackle any subject. Of course with almost any hour special there are going to be a few jokes/bits that miss but ultimately this was a really good stand up special, one of the best of the year.

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Family Guy

Brian isn’t really dead right? Stewie is going to go back in time and save him right? If Brian is really done for good I think I may be done with Family Guy, for good. To me that’s a sign of Seth signing off and moving on to bigger and better things. While I certainly don’t blame him for that it still ruins Family Guy for me. Brian has always been the closest thing to his actual voice, not just the sound but the thoughts. This season has already shown how little he has been around. While it still provides some laughs it feels a bit more scientific or mathematical than ever before. It feels as though there is a bit of a formula for that show that they have worked out and therefore don’t need Seth around the studio 24/7 like he has been in the past. I understand he is off to do stuff like Ted 2 and other major motion pictures but the loss of Brian really seems to end his true run behind the show. Worst case scenario I can hope for an eventual feature length Family Guy movie, made by Seth, in which Stewie does go back and save Brian or whatever they want the story to be. But as of now, this may be the end of an era.

Walking Dead

With the midseason finale now behind us we have to wait for more zombie action until February. While that sucks this latest episode really pissed me off and left me in a place where I’m not sure if I will totally miss the show. From the little girl playing in the mud and suddenly uncovering a buried zombie, to the bad guys having ownership of a perfectly functioning tank, to Rick getting his ass kicked by the governor, to Herschel being killed only to have a nurse waiting in the wings to be the next doctor, to everyone running away from the prison even though there was only a handful of zombies that got past the fence. Yah, they would have had to rebuild their home to some extent but Japan didn’t just vacate their country when we dropped a couple nukes on them did they? That was still a perfectly safe place as long as they rebuild the fences. All of this drove me mental and that came on the heels of the governor going into an old age home to get some oxygen for the dying old guy he just met only to be met by about 100 zombies. If you are in a zombie wasteland is an old age home not one of the first places you would start looking for supplies? There is enough medicine at an old age home that it should have been one of the first places looted. Instead it hasn’t been touched and the hundred zombies somehow haven’t escaped this should be ravaged building. This season really bugged me especially late. I really enjoyed it until they brought the governor back. He was great but jesus christ, overkill. Get a new idea if you want us to stick it out through your weird fucked out zombie fantasy show.

Queue Booster


This flick is now on Netflix instant. I don’t want to get you too excited about this by calling it a “Queue Booster” but it’s worth the watch. It is far from great and has several Fast n Furious type over the top moments, but it has to be the best Bond movie of the Daniel Craig era, not that that’s saying much.


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

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