This Week In Media 1/22/13
Ugh, being back at work after 4 days in Vegas is really tough.
Almost as tough as 14 hours of traveling. Oh well, at least I got
to watch a couple movies and figure out what happened to Bill
Pullman and Kevin Bacon... On to this week....
In Theaters
Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters
Movie 43
The first movie could be a potential career killer for Jeremy Renner, and the second movie has more celebrities than the inauguration did yesterday. I'm actually pretty excited for this parody movie but I really have no idea what it's about. So I'll wait for it to go OnDemand.
Queue Boosters
(Season 1
on Netflix, Season 2 on Hulu or OD)
Scandal is a pretty good drama on ABC about a lawyer who works to
keep the President and many other secrets under wraps.
What I've Been Watching
Silver Linings Playbook
This is 40
1600 Penn
The Following
All of these were awesome. In fact, if not for Lincoln, SLP would
clean up at the Oscars next month. This is 40 is also a good movie.
It's not an intense comedy, but reminds me a lot of Funny People,
which I, unlike most people, enjoyed. 1600 Penn is the Bill Pullman
comedy made by the Modern Family people. It's a good show that will
hopefully gain some legs. Kevin Bacon is back and was awesome last
night in the premiere of The Following. He plays a retired
FBI agent that comes back to catch an escaped serial killer.
1600 Penn and The Following can be found OnDemand
and the movies are still in theaters.