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Musberger and Webb

That's the clip that has the world in an uproar. It has ESPN showing why they're evil again. It has everyone talking. I'm not sure I get it.

There's quite a few people that deemed this "creepy". This is creepy...

Don't sit there and tell me that what Brent said was creepy. He's 74 years young and at no point does he come off like he's getting aroused. It was an asswhooping and ESPN just kept on showing her. He HAS to comment on it. This chicks gorgeous for fucks sake.

You can't not comment on it when you have all that time to fill and the camera crews are just spoon feeding you her. Anyone that thinks its creepy is an insane prude and needs to lighten the hell up.

As far as ESPN goes. They ran the feed, they set Brent up for his non creepy/non controversial comments about Miss Webb. Then they publicly apologized for his actions. ESPN wouldn't even stand beside 74 year old, he has worked for them for 23 years. He is the best they have. And when they have an opportunity to back the talent they step out and apologize and basically say he has done wrong. No you assholes over at ESPN, he was commenting on what your guys were feeding him. He was trying to make the game as entertaining as possible being as it was a blowout. How can you really sell this guy out after 23 years?

This whole story is insane to me. I mean I heard what he said live and thought nothing of it. She is Miss Alabama. Her life is people being taken aback by her stunningly good looks. She strives to be the best looking person in a hot room. Is there anyone that really thinks she would be offended by this? No of course not. And if she isn't offended by this then anyone else can shove it. The only reason they would have to be offended is jealousy, lose the sense of entitlement you aren't important.

Brent Musburger is a Fantastic play by play guy. He's one the best there has ever been. But he works for the evil empire. We here at NotBS are the RedSox in '04, down 0-3, only without the payroll or the roids. But we would never disrespect the talent like that. Especially, not someone as profound as Mr. Musburger.

Someone needs to challenge ESPN. Enough is enough with their one sidedness. They throw Brent under the bus in a heartbeat over nothing, and then Lakers grab a nice win down quite a bit vs a good Spurs team, and we get an hour of Pro Laker SportsCenter. They're a joke, let's build something here and take em down.  


Thursday, January 10, 2013

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